'am a hospitable man,' said Nasrudin to a group of cronies at
'Very well, then - take us all home to supper,' said the greediest.
Nasrudin collected the whole crowd and started towards his house
with them.
When he was almost there, he said:
'I'll go ahead and warn my wife: you just wait here.'
His wife cuffed him when he told her the news.
'There is no food in the house - turn them away.'
'I can't do that, my reputation for hospitality is at stake.'
'Very well, you go upstair and I'll tell them that you are out.'
After nearly an hour the guests became restless and crowded round
the door, shouting:
'Let us in, Nasrudin.'
The Mulla's wife went out to them.
'Nasrudin is out.'
'But we saw him go into the house, and we have been watching the
door all the time.'
She was silent.
The Mulla, watching from an upstairs window, was unable to contain
himself. Leaning out he shouted: 'I could have gone out by the
back door, couldn't I?'
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