latest English news from Vatican
ASIA/MYANMAR - Severe earthquake in the north of the country: "There is little or no aid"
AFRICA/DR CONGO - The drama of Congolese refugees in Burundi
EUROPE/ITALY - The Society of the Divine Word missionaries commemorate 150 years of their founding, as a sign of the “Missio Dei”
VATICAN - The Missionary Exhibition in the Vatican Gardens, which 100 years ago introduced the world to the “Church in a state of mission”
AMERICA/ARGENTINA - A society that gives space to God, that seeks to be guided by Him is a society that is a sign of hope
AFRICA/MALI - Operation Sounkalo Solidarité: solidarity, sharing, social cohesion during Ramadan and Lent
ASIA/PHILIPPINES - In a nation divided over Duterte's judicial affair, the Church preaches and works for unity
AFRICA/SOUTH SUDAN - Escalation in South Sudan: Christian churches appeal for a peaceful solution
AFRICA/NIGERIA - Father John Ubaechu, kidnapped on Sunday 23 March, has been released
GENERAL AUDIENCE - The Pope: "mission springs precisely from the experience of feeling loved"
ASIA/CHINA - Four new priests ordained in Ningbo on the Feast of the Annunciation
ASIA/JAPAN - Archbishop Nappa visits Nagasaki and Tokyo: safeguarding the memory of the Japanese martyrs
French Laïcité vs. American Secularism
Names of more than 50,000 people killed in Gaza by Israel published
Church calls on legislature to investigate child sexual abuse in state-run facilities and to treat all victims of abuse equally
Mel Gibson’s “The Passion of the Christ” sequel to begin filming in August 2025
Pope Francis Calls for a Cultural Shift in Child Protection Within the Church
Result of the German Synodal Way? Half a million Catholics leave the Church, official figures show
Cardinal Parolin gives details on Pope in Vatican and raises juncture for new form of government
Cardinal of Jerusalem: “I don’t know how we are still standing; the situation is against us”
Japanese Court dissolves Unification Church: the Moon sect
Clashes with the Syrians and Israeli reprisals: The fires that kindle Lebanon