latest English news from Kosovo
Anniversary of Kosovo Serb Politician’s Murder Marked by Grief and Frustration
Witness-Tampering Charges Could Prove Costly for Kosovo’s Thaci
Kosovo Leaders Honour US Diplomat Who Exposed Brutal Village Massacre
Kosovo Claims it Closed All Serbia-Run ‘Parallel Institutions’
Kosovo Factory Offers Hope to Disabled People Struggling for Work
Kosovo Ruling Party’s Boycott of TV Electoral Debates Draws Criticism
Kosovo’s ‘Genocide Museum’ Plan: Proposed Name Raises Questions
Kosovo in 2025: Hard-Fought Campaign Lies Ahead as Kurti Pushes for Re-Election
Why the US, Under Trump, Should Sign a Security Agreement with Kosovo
Political Tensions Test Unity of Kosovo’s Police Force
Share Your Experience: Parental Control Apps in Kosovo
Glorification of War Criminals ‘Obstructing a Better Future’: Hague Prosecutor
Ngjarjet e datës 30 dhjetor
Lloris drejt Amerikës
Dogji bredhin dhe vendosi afishe në Han të Elezit, një muaj paraburgim
Plagoset një person në Gjakovë
Zbuloni dallimin: Këto janë ndryshimet në sy që s’janë vetëm rezultat i plakjes
Napoli lëshon pikë sërish, Fiorentina vazhdon formën e mirë në Serie A
Arrestohet një shtetas serb për ryshfet në veri
Geo Barents shpëton 336 emigrantë
Vallja e burrave në UNESCO, vallja devolliçe mes statusin “kryevlera kombëtare”
Kurti kujton Konferencën e Bujanit: U mbështet në të drejtën e popujve për vetëvendosje
Kosovo's power output up 12% y/y in Nov
Kosovo's annual inflation slows to 1.6% in 2024
Bank of Italy to develop instant payments system in W. Balkans
Kosovo insurers grow GWPs 15% y/y in Jan-Nov
Foreign remittances to Kosovo rise 1.3% y/y in Jan-Nov
Alpex day-ahead market posts rise in traded energy volumes in Nov
Kosovo c-bank's intl reserves up 6.6% y/y in Nov
Kosovo banks net profit up 14.5% y/y in Jan-Nov
Kosovo's power output rises 10% y/y in Oct
IMF approves 36 mln euro in extra funding for Kosovo
Starlink launches service in Kosovo
INTERVIEW - EBRD's holistic support for W. Balkan SMEs to boost investments in green technologies