Hrad Beneše z Dubé r. 1378; 1467 pobořen; 1478 ve vlastnictví Šternberků, kteří hrad začali postupně opravovat;1872-Čeněk Daněk hrad přestavěl na zámek; 1945-vyvlastněn; uzavřen pro veřejnost.
Less than one kilometer from Lisno Village to the northeast near the road to Hlinanky in the place with far view all round the country towards west there is a quartz stone standing with a clearly visible lithogravure of cross on the wider side of the stone pointing to the east.
One meter away from the erected stone there is a part lying on the ground apparently broken off from that stone since its area and dimensions correspond with its bottom surface. At the distance of 15 m and 18,5 m there are other two stones lying. Due to their flaggy (plank) shape they prompt it might be a damaged and split aroung dolmen.
The stones are of identical structure, only of different colour shades, the smalled stone is reddish.