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To Be Alone

To be alone is like being
in a grave alone
in the earth.
Like a
Star floating
Space slowly
To be alone is
like standing
a dark room holding
To be alone is
one word closed inside
a book.
To be alone is
like a soul
of a man hiding in
the trees.

Matthew Cole, 7
The Old Woman

The past, present and future enter her mind
and fill it with laughter and weeping
Her mind is a tape recorder,
She sits never ending, waiting for her fairy god
mother to bring her her paradise in a little
velvet bag.
The night creeps up slowly pulling the sun
into a dull, dingy corner.
The logs on the fire gradually disintegrate
to rotting ashes.
She hudles up in her ever lasting chair
with her cat close beside her.
The maze on her forehead wrinkles and
When the wind plays with the milk bottles
The dark curtain is fully closed.

Julie Braybrook, 10

By The Looks Of You

By the looks of you
I think that you should
Think in mind
Do not say it aloud
Because you
Might distract some people
Many more than two
By the looks of you
If I could teach you day by day
Maybe in despair I might get you there
Maybe overdue
By the looks of you.

Donald Campbell, 7

A Way of Looking at Haiku

The thought tiredness reigns in this room.
The scrawling pencil is hot,
The paper is scarred by the lead,
A glow of ideas comes from the depths of my brain.

The scroll is read,
Strange ideas come.
The syllables are checked,
It just fits.
These three tell a great amount.

The assembly comes,
The poetic assembly.
I am in the line of expectant authors.
I see whispering faces,
My voice rings clear through their minds.

Later the book is open.
Now I have a stronger will to do better.

Alexandre Aladár Gollner, 10