This file is still very sloppy and incomplete. When dealing with dieties The stages of status... the god strikes at you with a lightning bolt and destroys all your wielded items *Mortal you are a nuisance* (all your items are cursed) ground rumbles nothing happens seems pleased with you altar will detect status of dropped items seems very pleased with you water dropped on altar will become holy you feel an inner strength lifting your spirits you feel inner peace diety makes you Lucky you feel spiritually elated you feel spiritually invincible diety makes Fate smile upon you you burn with the anticipation of power (chaotic only?) your diety is very close to you your diety is extremely close to you you may pray for crowning (or pre-crown bonus, as below) Rewards from the gods (these can be expensive) For a moment you are surrounded by bright light. Big uncursing You feel supported. Your equipment feels heavier. You just got an item! You feel that a dark fate is taken from you. Lose doom You feel that a sinister curse is lifted from you. Lose cursed You suddenly feel very well. Lose sickness Suddenly the darkness is lifted from you. Lose blindness Your mind clears. Lose confusion You suddenly speed up. Lose slowed state. You no longer feel any poison in your veins. Poison cured You are healed by a silvery/golden/black light surrounding you. Your minds focuses once more on reality. Energy ripples through your body. Restored power points You are satiated by divine manna. Lose hunger Suddenly a bright light illuminates this area. Er, you see the light. You suddenly can hear again. Lose deafness You suddenly feel more at home. ? You hear a voice in your mind. *Thou shalt Breeders on level are be hunted by fewer enemies spayed/neutered Your *item* glows in a silvery light. Removes curse from equiped item Crowning as Champion "Mortal, ye have done great service to my cause. Hereby ye art crowned to be my champion! Something is lying at your feet." You must be extremely close to your god, and exemplify your alignment (C-/N=/L+). If you have the closeness, but not the alignment, you can pray anyway and get an artifact gift, but you'll have to regain the extremely close status again for crowning. Champions are permanently Blessed, get an immunity (see below), get an artifact from the diety, get a blessed amulet of the appropriate alignment, and get some relief from the costs of praying and equiping artifacts. They are also the only ones who can convert the altars of the Elemental temples. When the gods grant immunities... Acid immunity "You look forward to be digested by the Chaos Lords/Lords of Order themselves." Cold immunity "You feel prepared for the most chilling tasks." Heat immunity "You no longer fear the heat of all hells combined." Shock immunity"You feel that neither thunder nor lightning will be able to prevent the success of your mission." Being rejected... Sacrificing creatures co-aligned with altar (for neutrals and lawfuls) hear a booming voice in your mind *BE WARNED! SACRIFICING MY OWN CREATURES IS NOT SOMETHING I WELCOME WITH JOY* Sacrificing a creature co-aligned with the altar (Neutral or Lawful), but the diety isn't too angry, yet. You notice a thundering voice in your head. *YOU DARE TO SACRIFICE ONE OF MY OWN CREATURES* *DEFILER* Sacrificed creature co-aligned with altar and diety is angry. Sacrificing summoned fodder A voice in your mind lectures you. *WHAT A MEDIOCRE SIGN OF DEVOTION. IMPROVE* *THOU SHALT TAKE PAINS TO PROVE THY DEVOTION* Sacrificing wimpy creatures gives only the first line, summoned creatures and replicators gives both. Sacrificing really lousy food items Suddenly %s speaks to you. *YOU DARE TO OFFER THE CRAP SOLD BY RATLING TRADERS* *FORGET IT* The *ratling ware of choice* disappears. Sacrificing pets You sense a feeling of loss for some seconds, then it passes. You feel like scum. You feel like a traitor. Killing aligned priest Sacrificing aligned priest Sacrificing gift from the god Diety booms: *YOU DARE TO SACRIFICE MY GIFTS AT MY HOLY PLACE* Converting altars You sense a conflict between supernatural entities. The altar glows in a bright light/dark fire/gray shine. God1 and God2 seem to be quarreling for supremacy! One of them triumphes! You... sense the incredible anger / hear the angry wail ...of the losing God. (It depends on just how hated you are.) Trynig to convert an altar A voice in your mind booms: *WELCOME, BELIEVER* You feel your morals changing. The altar managed to convert you, instead! Destroying altars Fallen Champions Changing alignment after being crowned as champion: Suddenly a thundering voice intrudes into your mind. MORTAL, YE DAREST TO SWITCH THEE ALIGNMENT AFTER * I * HAVE CROWNED YE TO BE MY CHAMPION DIE FOR THIS SACRILEGE A bolt of black energy hits you! If you're immune or resistant enough to the weapon... You seem to be immune to that bolt. You hear a voice in your mind *DAMN, YOU'LL PAY FOR THIS HUMILIATION, TOO* If you're not immune to it, the score file will read... *Character name* was blasted into oblivion by an angry deity. Others A voice booms: *THANKS, HERETIC* The item is destroyed by a column of flames. Fallen Champions can try to get back on the Diety's good side. Can try. Dropping stuff on non-aligned altar. The item(s) glows in a black light. (Dropped items are cursed.) A voice booms: *GET YOUR JUNK OFF MY ALTAR* The ultimate sacrifice...sacrificing yourself In the last moments of your life you hear some diety chuckling In your last seconds you hear some diety howling in triumph. Sacrificing self when hated/despised by diety. You are surrounded by darkness. ? Suddenly you hear a booming voice. *Mortal, dost ye want to cheat ME* *I will not allow this sacrilege* The amulet you are wearing suddenly turns to dust. Sacrificing self while wearing an amulet of life saving *FoOl ThOsE sErVaNtS aRe MoRe UsEfUl ThAn YoU. wHy NoT sAcRiFiCe YoUrSeLf?* The Chaos gods asking you to sac yourself! Weak chaotic sacrificing strong chaos creatures?