Welcome to the Pantheon Please step to the appropriate alcove and altar to worship your diety of choice. Note that part of the final score depends upon the way all of your dieties feel about you--it is possible to keep more than one happy during a game. Besides, it rarely hurts to hedge your bets. Alcove White Altar Grey Altar Black Altar Dwarves Moradin Clanggeddin Abbaddor High Elves Corellon Ayssia Ni'Pregh Gray Elves Corellon Ayssia Ni'Pregh Dark Elves Elderon Anssaria Lolth Orcs The One Who Sees The One Who Kills The One Who Rages Humans Onn Istus Ssraxx Drakelings Sssracht Issrecht Ussrachs Hobbits Shalla Auroree Fnordjar Trolls Ka'Omsh Ne'Ftrr Vaprak Gnomes Garl Berwan Urdlen Of course, those who are tRuLy ChAoTiC do not worship any god, but try to rival Andor Drakon, the elder Chaos God. You notice a cornerstone with some etching on it: This temple constructed and apportioned by Amanda, the pantheistic.