Indie se dohodla s Googlem na cenzuře Orkutu

Mother India - Klokánkův cestovní deník po Indii

India Sets up a Pact with Google to Orkut Censorship

Na prvního máje řve ze stánku titulní stránka tabloidu Mumbai Mirror:

On the first of May a title page of tabloid Mumbai Mirror screams out of the newspaper stall:

Orkut's Tell-All Pact with Cops

Agrees to not only block 'defamatory' content, but also provide IPs from which such content is generated; cops can now track down offenders quickly.  

Deeptiman Tiwary

Think twice before you let loose your thoughts on Orkut. The Google-run community site, which has become a global platform for sharing personal information, ideas and sentiments and already has nearly 6.6 milion registered Indian users (of a total of 49 milion worldwide), has entered into a pact with the Cyber Crime Cell of Mumbai police saying it will not only block those 'forums' and 'communities' that contain 'defamatory or inflammatory content' but also provide the IP addresses from which such content has been generated. 

In the one of the first such cases, Mumbai police recently got Orkut to block allegedly defamatory content about Dr B R Ambedkar, Chhatrapati Shivaji and Shiv Sena chief Bal Thackeray.

The pact, which is actually an "informal arrangement" called the Priority Reporting Tool, comes as a big surprise to internet users as Orkut has successfully blocked attemts by various countries to control content.

Confirming the arrangement, a Google spokesperson said: The Priority Reporting Tool between Mumbai police and Google has been designed to improve communication between Google and Police. We are happy the police has found it useful. Google is a responsible company, and we also ensure we protect users' privacy.

Deputy Commissioner of Police (enforcement) Sanjay Mohite said the pact means they do not have to go through the lengthy process of asking the Central government to communicate with Orkut. 

The practice so far has been first send a request to the Centre's computer emergency response team in New Delhi. This team processes the request through its channels and even if forum is finally blocked, the "culprits" still remain untraceable as no IP addresses can be obtained. If these addresses are to be found, the CBI then has to get into the picture, which makes the whole process even longer. 

Now we can do away with the process and not just directly ban content but also obtain details of IP addresses and service providers quickly, Mohite said.

The IP addresses will enable the Cell to track down people who have posted messages and book them if the need arises, police officials said. 

After the Cell blocked the content about Ambedkar, Shivaji and Thackeray that had created an uproar in the state legislature, it has also got requests from other states to help them in similar cases. 

Recently, on a request form Kolkata cops, the Cell got Orkut to block a forum that contained alegedly defamatory material about West Bengal Chief Minister Buddhadeb Bhattacharya and also obtained details of the IP address, Mohite said. 

The arrangement has also been made fool-proof with the introduction of an encrypted code to prevent anyone from impersonating as Mumbai police.

We are also planning to have a similar arrangement with YouTube soon, Mohite added. 

(Mumbai Mirror, May 1, 2007, pp. 1-2)

A tak Klokánek zahajuje poklidný bojkot Orkutu, lituje všech osobních dat, která mu kdy svěřil, ruší účet a radí i svým kamarádům, aby tam nelezli. Stejně to bude i s Gmailem, nehledě na to, že v USA mají všechny mailservery povinný odposlech přímo od FBI. 

So Klokánek starts a peaceful boycott of Orkut, regrets all the personal information, which ever entrusted to it, deletes his account and advices also to his friend to not crawl in. It will be probably similar with Gmail, regardless of the fact that all mailservers in USA are compulsorily tapped directly by FBI.

1. května 2007

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