S l a v ě t í n   (Co: Louny)

50°21´20´´N; 13°54´00´´E; 210 m ASL

Donační nápis s letopočtem 1368. Gotický kostel sv. Jakuba Většího, původně románský, opravený podle návrhu J. Mockera v l. 1880-81; pamětní síň básníka Konstantina Biebla

Slavetin; http://www.geolab.cz

This interesting stone called Baba (Old Woman)
rediscovered like a menhir by J. Helšus at the beginning of the eighties can be found 950 m northwest of the church in Slavětín right on an old field route very close to not too aged basswood.
Its illustration comes from the year 1932.
It consists of coarse-grained brown stone with quartz pebbles, and is 1,7 m high.
Its estimated mass is 2 tonnes.

The history of this stone is not known for now.

Slavetin Slavetin

In 1896 an alleged reseach has been carried out that should have had unveiled the stone being very deeply embedded in the ground with its undeground part almost the same as the aboveground one.

This information is cited from the book Czech megalits by
R. Šarič, P. Štepánek

We only know sometime in 17.th century a cross had been set into the stone which might have caused less attention attracted. Following World War II. somebody broke the cross from the stone.

Az 328°,148°,52°

*Locality downfallen y. 2005

Text and photo: ©Pritulová
Cut historical maps: © 1st (2nd ) Military Survey, Section No. xy, Austrian State Archive/Military Archive, Vienna
©Geoinformatics Laboratory, University of J.E.Purkyne; http://www.geolab.cz
©Ministry of Environment of Czech Republic; http://www.env.cz