T h e   S t o n e s   n e a r   K l ů č e k

50°16´25,55´´N; 13°36´03,36´´E;

Klůček; http://www.geolab.cz  Situation map

Next survey pay for bad terrain
Stones lies marginal downslope northing above Tasov.
West way view distant might be, northeast gets off right hillslope near hill 309 m and southeastern is dimension above Canine pit in sight.

 Far range of vision from one's stone.

We are detected some few stones though. Acts largely about very light, smooth quartzite bigger 1,5 m. They lies closely below margin upland plateaux circa 200 m from her western ends in indifferent distances asunder. ... katalog ...

Even two shreds are perched on themselves anywhere.
Considerable quantity cobbles lies at southern margin field. They are classical cuneiform, their size is 2 - 3 m and hence materiality would perhaps checkmate their using like anchors for construction hop - garden. If were really displaced outbye, why aren't also near northern margins?

Now proceeds attempt at dislocation one's stone near whose threatens ruin downhill. He lies on westmost hook all locality.

T h e   S t o n e s   C a n i n e    p i t    n e a r   N e č e m i c

.. 13°37´30,1´´e.l.; 50°15´36,43´´n.l. ; 380 m ..

Canine pit; http://www.geolab.cz Situation map
 Stone with vane above Canine pit 190x120cm.

At margin wood above buck, east of hamlet Lhota and northwest of Nečemice, lies near rural road sand - stone 120x60x30 cm. From him is good view easterly towards Výrov (509 m).

View to the Výrov.

On sheer slope to Lhota (284,4 m) are perceptible remains order, part we are chart

(drawing --- katalog)
smoothed quartz

Big stones are throwing marginal field to the west. They are perhaps displaced outbye and spot height close 418,2 m.We are found here stone with vane 190x120x40 cm and nice smoothed flint 120x60x60 cm.

Text and photo: ©Pritulová
Cut out historical maps: © 1st (2nd ) Military Survey, Section No. xy, Austrian State Archive/Military Archive, Vienna
©Geoinformatics Laboratory, University of J.E.Purkyne; http://www.geolab.cz
©Ministry of Environment of Czech Republic; http://www.env.cz